*Use Music Intervals to Add Tension to Your Melody

Adding tension to a melody is essential in creating a memorable melody. Tension can be added by using music intervals, leaps, and nonscale notes. The tension adds surprise for the listeners as an unexpected sound from the music intervals, which keeps their attention. As discussed in Unrestrained Melody Composition there are some tones that are expected and some music intervals that are unexpected. When listening to a song, at times, you are able to predict the next notes, even if you have never heard the song before. These tones are the expected ones, while others are not. Please visit *Unrestrained Melody Composition to read about which tones, and which notes are expected or keep reading to learn how music intervals can be used to add tension

Music Intervals Can Add Tension
Music Intervals Can Add Tension


Another method of adding tension to your melody is by incorporating large leaps into the phrase. These leaps create tension, which can then be resolved by steps in the opposite direction of the leap.
Notice the passage below. In the fifth measure, the leap is resolved by stepping down in the opposite direction back down to an E. Use leaps to create interest in your melody, but be wary to not add them too often; this can cause the melody to become unfocused and random. Also, the larger the leap, the more tension it creates.

music intervals to add tension to musical melody

Also notice in the passage above how the first two measures are repeated in measure 3 and 4. The repeated passage creates a sense of familiarity in the audience with this small phrase. Hence, this small phrase would be repeated later on in the composition and become the theme of the song.

Nonscale Notes in Intervals

A fantastic way to create a ton of tension quickly is to incorporate nonscale tones into your melody. Use this technique sparingly! Many times this technique creates too much tension that cannot be easily resolved.

Upward Movement

Upward moving melodies create tension. Upward moving melodies generally climb up towards a climax, where the audience is spellbound by all the tension, before relaxing back down as the melody descends. It’s all about creating tension and releasing, creating more tension, and then relaxing. If you can do this well, your melodies will be memorable.

Music Intervals

If you have already created a melody and desire to add some tension at certain points, then music intervals can be your answer. If you have a melodic point, simply add a music interval of a 7th or 9th to create tension. A 6th or a 3rd can also create some tension, although not as much as the 7th and 9th. If your melody has some tension due to a leap, or for some other reason, then you can add a 4th, 5th or an octave to help stabilize that note.

Composing music is a creative process and allows you to utilize any techniques that you particularly like such as music intervals. For example, you might enjoy using leaps in your compositions and might disregard the music intervals. That’s fine. 

Everyone has their own signature style. Remember, your ear is the best judge of which compositions are well constructed.