7 of the Saddest Chord Progressions

Do you want to compose a somber song?

The list below will give you many ideas for composing sad songs.

Sad Chord Progression List

The list below is based off roman numerals so they can be played in any key. The notation in the key of C is listed below the sad chord progression list. Remember when playing these that sad songs are usually slow!
  • I-vii°-iii-iii As you can see, sad progressions usually have many minor chords
  • iii-ii-I-I This one is different, because it starts on the iii chord.
  • vi-ii-iv-I  A little bit of tension is added due to the unusual minor iv chord, which resolves back to the I. This one is has a very nice resolution due to the tension and return.
  • I-vi-ii-V This one is more popular and used often.
  • I-vi-IV-V Not as sad as some of the others, but fun to play with.
  • vi-V-IV-iii  Descending chords like this can also sound quite sad
  • vi-vi-iv-iii This is used in Requiem for a Dream by Clint Mansell

Roman Numeral Notation
Roman Numerals in the key of C

The same sad chord progressions in the key of C are below

  • C-Bdim-Em-Em As you can see, sad progressions usually have many minor chords
  • Em-Dm-C-C This one is different, because it starts on the iii chord.
  • Am-Dm-Fm-C  A little bit of tension is added due to the unusual minor iv chord, which resolves back to the I. This one is has a very nice resolution due to the tension and return.
  • C-Am-Dm-G This one is more popular and used often.
  • C-Am-F-G Not as sad as some of the others, but fun to play with.
  • Am-G-F-Em  Descending chords like this can also sound quite sad
  • Am-Am-F-Em This is used in Requiem for a Dream by Clint Mansell

Sad Chord Progressions Comments

What makes music sound sad? I think that minor chords are sadder than major chords. Some people think that it is not the chords progression itself that makes the music sad, but the melody and the lyrics.

Sad Chord Progressions
Sad Chord Progressions

However, I think that the chords and harmony are the foundation of the song. They determine the mood more so than the melody and lyrics. For example, if you have a I, IV, V chord base, it would be difficult to make the song sound sad, because all the chords are major.

"The harmonic base and song's mood is determined by the chord progression."

One of my favorite sad songs is below. It is titled Listen to your heart by DHT (slow version)

Final Comments on Sad Progressions

What songs do you think have sad chord progressions? What is the saddest song you have heard? Please let me know below in the comments!